Thursday, June 08, 2006

long story

its been a week without the '06 seniors.. kinda missin' em already.. yeapp!! believe it or not.. *hehehe..* i mean.. everyone of 'em.. like.. wanna watch movie? AISAMUDDIN, SHAHIR n WEDA wud be the first one to ask.. if i were to go fishing.. i'd check on FADLI, SHAHIR.. wanna eat cheesecake or breadpudding? SALA can do it for ya.. game? ESA!! nak mkn? SERI... mintak tolong.. :P wanna hv a gala and crazy time? DAYAH, ZATY, TIQAH wud be perfect!! and others of course.. wah wah.. got some other pix of them in my Flickr.. but unfortunately.. i'v used up all my space for the month to upload pics.. *kinda sux..* might wanna check on others.. but i am soooo malas to upload pics yg banyak.. but at the same time.. i want y'all to see 'em.. *haishh.. mengarut laa sgt anis solihah!!* but me missin them still~~ (!-!)

Enuf with this missin2 people.. well.. its the 3rd day of class.. summer class.. starts at 8 am and ends at 10 am.. not bad.. well.. as for this week laa.. kinda nice becuz the class is only for 4 days.. monday to thursday.. when Jurai has 2 classes and ends at 4 pm on friday.. *hahaha.. pitty u laa jurai* summer class for me is nice cuz u dont have to pressure yourself that much.. as to compare to fall or spring semester.. plus.. only 1 class or 2 classes.. what do u expect aite? the best thing bout summer for me is that there aint many people around.. i hate crowded places.. i hate seas of people.. not that i dont like to socialize but i just dont like being cramp in the middle of a lot of people.. mind u but with my size.. i am easily squashed.. that's why i dont really like goin to concerts or big events.. i rather stay at home and watch it on my couch or bed.. you can even see better too (^_^).. fine laa if u say you could see live.. but it doesnt matter to me..

what else.. i feel like writing a lot of things..

since my birthday.. i have this thought.. how time is running.. as if chasing something that we human do not know.. and as time goes by.. we human tend to change.. should i say change or evolve? which one am i? all i know.. i've turned into someone new.. if you know me from school.. i am so not sonic.. *daydreaming.. abaikan~~*

so.. like i said.. as time goes by.. people change.. but how far they themselves realize this? if they do realize.. wud they change back to what they were before? or wud they just stay as it is and hope to change again into someone better?

it is always said.. There is no one who can change yourself then you yourself.. not even god.. ALLAH did not promise that life would be easy, but HE did promise, to go with you every step of your life, with HIM by your side.. so try to change and not just go on with life without doing anything and hope miracles to happen.. stay firm and determine to what you want.. not just this.. but anything that you do in life..

wah wah.. feels like a philosopher plak... *wut the?? perasan aa sonick!! nganga (*o*)v * actually.. blogspot is gle.. its been 2 days the thing meragam.. i cant even open the site.. that's why i have like tonnes to tell yet lil to write.. my ideas just cant stay still in my head.. *hehehe..* sedangkan tgh bercerite dgn beriye nyer pun i can hilang my point of telling the story.. inikan nak menulis.. *abaikan.. only one who knows bout this... hahaha *guling2* *


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