Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dieting Tips..

Well.. I was reading some sites.. and I realized.. *hehe* my bad that i said honey mustard is not good.. well.. They are good for dieting..the low fat honey mustard that is.. I'm not sure about the usual Honey Mustard.. And also.. i just knew.. mustard or even honey mustard has no fat.. a little bit of calorie.. Sorry for the wrong info guys! but one thing for sure.. restrict mayonnaise.. *knew this before i read the following site* and as said.. I was reading this site.. and not saying it's a very good site for diet tips but it is something i think.. doable tips..

>Bake, roast, or broil your food instead of frying

>Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. this will help flush out your body while also suppressing your appetite. *This was proven by my sis.. she's lost a lot when she did this with of course additional diet plan*

>Shop for groceries only after eating. You will be less likely to buy foods impulsively – especially foods you don’t need. *So true!! especially if you are hungry.. everything seems good!*

>Never starve yourself, especially before going out to eat... Never skip meals, you must have some kind of nourishment regularly..

>Take small servings - avoid gorging yourself

>Don't think that just because you are eating low fat/low calorie foods that you can eat all that you want. The calories still add up and must be burned off regardless of what kind of food you eat.

I like the grocery part and also the last part... there are more on this site.. read it.. They have some useful enough infos.. I'm trying to get those sites that are not that long, dull and bored sites.. tell me if you have more!


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